Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Reading Notes: The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution, Part B

Episode 14: Bhim goes down to palace under water ruled by serpents and is giving a gift.  what if the serpent bites gave him that power (kind of like spiderman).
Chapter 17: Ekalavya's Story was so sad.  I really want to look more into this story.  Ekalavya wanted nothing but to be trained by Drona.  This is a story that would seem like it would have a happy ending but nothing happy every happened to Ekalavya.  What if he was victorious and put the Pandava brothers to shame... possible story idea
(Ekalavya's hopeless devotion to Guru. Found on Wikipedia.)
The Mahabharata: Karmic Revolution by Epified TV (India), Episodes 9-17, Youtube link.

1 comment:

  1. I can't comment on your introduction again, so here I am! We kind of write our reading notes the same way. I use it as a sort of commentary section, especially because I tend to write my story before I have finished reading the entire section. Mine are always super short too, so I feel better seeing someone else writing short ones.
